Health system context and tuberculosis (TB) service delivery in 22 low-incidence countries that responded to survey in 2014

CountryTotal health expenditure as % of gross domestic productPublic health expenditure as % of total health expenditureNational TB programmeCentral unitTB control and elimination planSpecific targets for TB control and eliminationSpecific TB budgetLaboratory external quality assessment systemIndividual case-based electronic databaseDirectly observed treatment for all or selected patientsFree TB diagnosisFree TB treatmentSpecial incentive/enabler for some or all TB patients
Australia968NoNoYesYesNoYesYesSelectedYes, all testedYesNo
Belgium1176NoNoNoNoYesYesYesSelectedYes, all testedYesNo
Canada1170NoNoYesYesNoYesNoSelectedYes, all testedYesNo
Cuba1095YesYesYesYesYesYesYesAllYes, all testedYesYes
Cyprus743NoNoNoNoNoYesYesAllYes, if confirmedYesNo
Czech Rep.784NoNoNoNoNoYesYesSelectedYes, all testedYesNo
Denmark1185NoNoNoNoNoYesYesSelectedYes, all testedYesNo
Finland975YesNoYesNoNoYesYesSelectedYes, all testedYesNo
France1277YesYesYesNoYesYesYesSelectedYes, all testedYesNo
Germany1176YesYesYesYesYesYesYesSelectedYes, all testedYesNo
Greece1161NoNoNoNoNoYesYesNAYes, other criteriaNo#No
Ireland970YesNoNoNoNoYesYesSelectedYes, all testedNoYes
Israel862YesYesYesYesYesYesYesAllYes, all testedYesYes
Malta966YesYesYesYesNoNoYesSelectedYes, all testedYesYes
Netherlands1286NoYesYesNoNoNoYesSelectedYes, other criteria+No+Yes
Norway986NoYesNoNoNoYesYesSelectedYes, all testedYesYes
Slovakia964YesYesYesNoYesYesYesSelectedYes, all testedYesNo
Slovenia973NoNoYesYesNoYesYesNAYes, all testedYesNo
Sweden981NoNoNoNoNoYesYesNo policyYes, all testedYesNo
USA1846YesYesYesYesYesNoYesSelectedYes, all testedYesYes
  • Data concern national levels. Based on the roles and responsibilities for the organisation and delivery of health services, country-level responses need to be interpreted with caution, especially for countries with a federal system of government. NA: not available or no answer. #: patient pays 25%; : nominal fee of €1.50 on each medication dispensed; +: covered by health insurance, but patients must pay the first €350 of healthcare costs.