TABLE 2 Crude and adjusted regression coefficients (β) for the associations between serum 25(OH)D and lung function measures in an adult asthma cohort, the HUNT Study, 1995–1997
25(OH)D nmol·L−1FEV1 % predFVC % predFEV1/FVC ratio %
 50.0–74.9−1.92 (−5.91–2.06)−1.25 (−5.27–2.77)−0.89 (−4.08–2.30)−0.10 (−3.36–3.16)−1.35 (−3.46–0.76)−0.82 (−2.89–1.25)
 <50.0−4.46 (−8.29–0.64)−2.16 (−6.22–1.90)−2.44 (−5.50–0.62)−0.30 (−3.59–2.99)−1.88 (−3.91–0.14)−1.41 (−3.49–0.67)
 Each 25-nmol·L−1   reduction−1.51 (−3.04–0.02)−0.69 (−2.32–0.95)−0.81 (−2.03–0.42)0.02 (−1.30–1.35)−0.62 (−1.43–0.19)−0.53 (−1.37–0.31)
 50.0–74.9−5.66 (−10.66–0.66)−6.31 (−11.39–1.24)−3.48 (−7.50–0.54)−3.48 (−7.61–0.66)−1.96 (−4.78–0.88)−2.39 (−5.18–0.39)
 <50.0−7.78 (−12.58–2.98)−8.44 (−13.78–3.11)−4.30 (−8.16–0.45)−4.17 (−8.52–0.17)−3.34 (−6.06–0.63)−4.31 (−7.25–1.38)
 Each 25-nmol·L−1   reduction−2.76 (−4.77–0.75)−3.05 (−5.31–0.79)−1.20 (−2.81–0.42)−1.21 (−3.05–0.62)−1.39 (−2.53–0.26)−1.73 (−2.96–0.49)
  • Data are presented as β (95% CI). #: n=446; : n=314. 25(OH)D: 25-hydroxyvitamin D; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; % pred: % predicted; FVC: forced vital capacity. Multiple linear regression models adjusted for body mass index, education, social benefits, economic difficulties, season, physical activity, smoking status, asthma medication, inhaled corticosteroid. Multiple linear regression models for FEV1/FVC ratio were also adjusted for age and height.