TABLE 2 Immune characteristics and SCORAD at study entry as predictors of airway function at 5 years of age
Parameter at study entryParameter at 5 years of age
Estimate (95% CI)p-valueEstimate (95% CI)p-valueEstimate (95% CI)p-value
Egg allergen sensitisation16.7 (6.48–26.94)0.002-0.7 (-1.44-0.08)0.029-6.8 (-20.28–6.63)0.313
Aeroallergen sensitisation#2.4 (-8.51–13.26)0.6640.5 (-0.15–1.13)0.1323.8 (-8.02–15.67)0.518
Total IgE3.4 (0.91–5.96)0.008-0.2 (-0.34-0.03)0.021-1.3 (-4.40–1.77)0.395
IL-4/IFNγ+3.1 (-4.71–10.94)0.428-0.2 (-0.63–0.31)0.499-3.1 (-10.76–4.62)0.424
IL-5/IFNγ+4.1 (-2.75–10.99)0.234-0.1 (-0.55–0.27)0.485-3.0 (-9.66–3.63)0.364
IL-9/IFNγ+6.2 (0.12–12.30)0.046-0.2 (-0.61–0.12)0.1810.4 (-5.70–6.53)0.891
IL-10/IFNγ+8.7 (-2.42–19.89)0.122-0.3 (-1.01–0.32)0.306-7.3 (-18.01–3.49)0.180
IL-13/IFNγ+4.5 (-1.53–10.46)0.141-0.2 (-0.54–0.16)0.2811.25 (-4.50–7.00)0.663
IL-17/IFNγ+8.6 (2.33–14.80)0.008-0.4 (-0.77-0.01)0.0444.0 (-2.98–10.98)0.253
SCORAD0.53 (-0.10–1.15)0.097-0.04 (-0.08– -0.002)0.037-0.12 (-0.97–0.74)0.780
  • Bold font indicates statistical significance. SCORAD: Scoring Atopic Dermatitis; eNO: exhaled nitric oxide; z-FEF25–75%: z-score for forced expiratory flows at 25–75% of forced vital capacity; %ΔFEV1: percentage change in forced expiratory volume in 1 s between baseline and after final methacholine dose when reaching PC40,R5 (the methacholine dose that increased baseline R5 by 40%); IL: interleukin; IFN: interferon. #: presence of at least one positive sensitisation to the following allergens: Timothy grass, Bermuda grass, Short ragweed, Alternaria species and Mountain cedar; : total serum IgE was expressed as the log transformed value; +: standardised as log(cytokine+1)/sd×(cytokine+1). The model was adjusted by age at entry to the study, sex, race and smoking during pregnancy.