TABLE 3 Number of estimated and notified multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) cases by country income group, 2012
Income groupTop 30 countriesEstimated MDR-TB cases among notified TB casesNotified MDR-TB cases
Countries n% of countries by income groupn#% of cases by country income groupn% of cases by country income group
Low930303026 6001010103161444
Lower middle10336370114 90042739029 291387796
Upper middle93086 5003130 68039
High: non-OECD13746 000171713 6121719
High: OECD132200112122
Total30280 00077 956
  • Income groupings as per World Bank 2013 (discussed further in [17]). OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.#: rounded to two significant figures.