Table 2– Risk of bias and applicability concerns summary: review authors’ judgements about each domain for each study included
First author [ref.]Risk of biasApplicability bias
Patient selectionIndex testReference standardFlow and timingPatient selectionIndex testReference standard
Reddy [30]+++++++
Vargas [31]+/–+/–+++
Ha [32]++/–+/–+++
Caws [35]++++++
Ha [36]++++++
Makamure [37]+/–++/–++++
Moore [38]+++++++
Oberhelman [39]+/–++++
Shah [40]++/–+/–++++
Solomon [41]+/–+++/–+++
  • +: authors’ judgement positive, low risk of bias or applicability concern; +/–: authors’ judgement neutral, unclear risk of bias or applicability concern; –: authors’ judgement negative, high risk of bias or applicability concern.