Table 2– COPD assessment test (CAT) nonresponse rate, floor and ceiling effect, internal consistency and test–retest reliability
Completed CATs and  missing items0 missing items %1 missing item %Subjects n
Agusti [9]99.70.3377
Ghobadi [17]1000.0105
Jones [21]#99.30.76469
Mackay [26]98.31.7161
Ringbaek [41]98.91.190
Tsuda [15]1000.0301
Floor and ceiling+ effectFloor effect %Ceiling effect %Subjects n
Agusti [9]0.50.3377
Nishimura [36]0.07.6145##
Internal consistency§Cronbach’s αSubjects np-value
Agusti [9]0.86NRNR
da Silva [10]0.98500.001
Horita [18]0.8585NR
Hwang [19]0.85100NR
Jones [5]0.881490NR
Jones [21] Arabic version0.854807NR
Jones [21] Turkish version0.861590NR
Tsiligianni [14]0.8690NR
Tsuda [15]0.89301NR
Test–retestƒICCnAdministration duration weeksp-value
Agusti [9]0.83NRNRNRNRNR
Al Moamary [30]0.904502NA0.00008
da Silva [10]0.965001NA0.93–0.97¶¶
Jones [5]0.805301NANR
Tsiligianni [14]0.94900260.92–0.96¶¶
  • COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ICC: intra-class correlation coefficient; NR: not reported; NA: not applicable. #: missing defined as more than one item not completed so the questionnaire was considered unusable; if the score was missing for only one item, this was replaced by the mean value of the remaining seven items. : percentage of patients with the minimum possible CAT total score (0/40). +: percentage of patients with the maximum possible (40/40). §: interrelatedness of the items within the CAT. ƒ: ability of the CAT to provide consistent scores over time when administered repeatedly under stable disease condition. ##: floor and ceiling effect of the CAT for COPD participants defined by fixed ratio. ¶¶: 95% CI for ICC estimate.