Table 3– Mycobacterium tuberculosis specific proteins and Mycobacterium-related proteins identified in human urine samples from active TB, presumed LTBI and presumed non-TB/non-LTBI patients
CohortAccession numberProtein nameM. tuberculosis specific#Mycobacterium-related
TB onlyRv1475cAconitate hydratase×
Rv1977+Conserved protein×
Rv0014cSerine/threonine protein kinase×
Rv2748cDNA translocase FtsK×
Rv1664Polyketide synthase×
Rv1161Nitrate reductase α-subunit×
Rv2280Uncharacterised FAD-linked oxidoreductase×
Rv2694cConserved hypothetical protein×
Rv2490c§PE-PGRS family protein (1661 amino acids)×
Rv0578cPE-PGRS family protein (1307 amino acids)×
TB and LTBIRv1450cPE-PGRS family protein×
Rv1522cPutative membrane protein mmpL12×
Rv2981cd-alanine–d-alanine ligase×
TB and non-TB/non-LTBIRv0765cProbable oxidoreductase×
LTBI onlyRv2126cPE-PGRS family protein×
Rv1759cWAG22 antigen×
Rv1464ƒProbable cysteine desulfurase×
Rv3202c##Possible ATP-dependent DNA helicase×
Rv0668DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit×
Rv3345cPE-PGRS family protein×
LTBI and non-TB/non-LTBINone
Non-TB/non-LTBI onlyRv3775Probable lipase LipE×
Rv3736Transcriptional regulator, AraC family×
Rv2455c2-oxoglutarate oxidoreductase subunit KorA×
TB, LTBI and non-TB/non-LTBIRv3885cPossible membrane protein×
Rv1235Probable sugar-binding lipoprotein LpqY×
  • Online supplementary tables S1 and S2 contain detailed peptide statistics and homology matching information. TB: tuberculosis; LTBI: latent TB infection; FAD: flavin adenine dinucleotide. #: proteins were classified as M. tuberculosis specific if the identifying peptides only mapped to proteins found in the M. tuberculosis complex; : proteins were classified as Mycobacterium-related if the identifying peptides mapped to both M. tuberculosis specific proteins as well as to other non-infectious mycobacteria and/or other proteins found in a combined UniProt human and bacteria database; +: this protein was identified by a peptide that mapped to both M. tuberculosis and Mycobacterium marinum; §: this protein was identified based on three peptides, all of which were M. tuberculosis specific; ƒ: this protein was identified by a peptide that that mapped to both M. tuberculosis and Mycobacterium parascrofulaceum; ##: this protein was identified by two different peptides, one of which was M. tuberculosis specific and the other was Mycobacterium related.