Table 1– Demographic and diagnostic information of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)-induced respiratory failure subjects and controls
Nonlung disease controls#Non-RSV pneumonia controlsRSV-induced respiratory failurep-value
Age months21.6±4.6 (4 weeks–11 years)10.45±2.9 (3 weeks–7 years)2.8±0.5 (1 week–5 months)<0.001
Length of intubation days4.9±0.49.2±1.55.3±0.60.006
Length of PICU stay days6.1±0.410.03±1.57.36±0.90.049
DiagnosisClosed head injury 15Bacterial pneumonia§ 16RSV bronchiolitis 32
Seizure 9Viral pneumoniaƒ 9RSV pneumonia 10
Post-laryngotracheal reconstruction 8Fungal pneumonia## 2
Altered mental status 4Aspiration pneumonia 2
Muscular weakness 2
Other+ 8
  • Data are presented as n, mean±sem (range) or mean±sem, unless otherwise stated. All control subjects who developed new radiographic changes while on the ventilator or acquired a new viral or bacterial infection were excluded from the study. PICU: paediatric intensive care unit; PRISM-12: paediatric risk of mortality in 12 h; PRISM-24: paediatric risk of mortality in 24 h; FIO2: inspiratory oxygen fraction. #: Nonlung disease controls had no evidence of acute or chronic lung disease, with minimal ventilator requirements (low FIO2, positive end-expiratory pressure, tidal volume and ventilatory rate) and clear chest radiographs; : having a positive RSV culture on admission to the hospital; +: includes subjects with arrhythmia, posterior spinal fusion, cervical spine injuries and nasopharyngeal mass. §: pneumonia secondary to Staphylococcus aureus (n=9), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n=3), Streptococcus pneumoniae (n=3) and Serratia marcescens (n=1); ƒ: pneumonia secondary to influenza (n=5), adenovirus (n=3) and parvovirus (n=1); ##: pneumonia secondary to Candida albicans (n=2).