Table 2– Results from the sleep studies
Chronic snore30 (53.6)
Witnessed apnoeas9 (16.1)
ESS score6.8±4.14
BMI kg·m−226.8±4.19
AHI events per h13.6±17.3
 AHI ≥534 (60.7)
 AHI ≥1020 (35.7)
 AHI ≥1517 (30.3)
 AHI ≥308 (14.3)
Basal saturation %96.3±1.9
Mean saturation %94.1±2.5
ODI3% events per h14.4±17.9
ODI4% events per h8.28±13.5
Tsat90 %8.2±19.6
Minimum saturation %83.9±8.1
  • Date are presented as n (%) or mean±sd. ESS: Epworth Sleepiness Scale; BMI: body mass index; AHI: apnoea–hypopnea index; ODI3%: oxygen desaturation index at 3%; ODI4%: oxygen desaturation index at 4%; Tsat90: night time spent with oxygen saturation <90%.