Table 4– Incidence rate ratio (IRR) and hazard ratio (HR) of pulmonary thromboembolism events by follow-up years
Follow-upNonasthmatic cohortAsthma cohortIRR (95% CI)Adjusted HR (95% CI)
Pulmonary embolismPerson-yearsRate#Pulmonary embolismPerson-yearsRate#
≤5 years18560 3713.2116140 20911.43.55 (3.40–3.71)***3.38 (1.70–6.74)***
>5 years5183 0032.73345 9736.532.39 (2.26–2.53)***2.43 (0.57–10.4)
  • Data are presented as n, unless otherwise stated. #: incidence rate per 100 000 person-years; : multivariable analysis including age, sex and comorbidities. ***: p<0.001.