Table 4– Unadjusted relationship between hospital admissions and annual change in 6-min walk distance# (6MWD) during 1.7-year follow-up of 342 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients
Change in 6MWD m·year−1p-valueClinically significant loss
Anyƒ admission during follow-up
 No−13.8±35.90.003142 (75)47 (25)0.002
 Yes−32.5±51.787 (57)66 (43)
Number of admissionsƒ per year during follow-up
 0−13.8±32.90.002¶¶142 (75)47 (25)0.001¶¶
 >0 and ≤1−26.1±51.946 (63)27 (37)
 >1−38.4±70.941 (52)39 (48)
Cause of admission##
 Only COPD−36.2±56.20.236++36 (47)41 (53)0.040++
 Nonrespiratory−24.2±48.931 (71)12 (29)
 Mixed causes−28.2±48.720 (61)13 (39)
Quartiles of cumulative hospital stay## days
 1 to ≤5−29.8±37.60.610¶¶25 (61)16 (39)0.682¶¶
 >5 to ≤13−33.1±48.720 (51)18 (49)
 >13 to ≤28−29.1±49.823 (64)13 (36)
 >28−38.1±51.519 (50)19 (50)
Quartiles of time from last discharge to second evaluation## days
 0 to ≤103−36.3±42.10.445¶¶21 (52)18 (48)0.735¶¶
 >103 to ≤206−33.8±48.923 (60)15 (40)
 >206 to ≤363−36.1±49.420 (53)18 (47)
 >363−25.8±46.423 (60)15 (40)
  • Data are presented as mean±sd or n (%), unless otherwise stated. #: presented both as a continuous variable and according to clinically significant change, for a better understanding of the effect of hospitalisations; each combination of hospitalisation variables and change in the 6MWD is a single unadjusted model. : ≥35 m·year−1. +: n=229. §: n=113. ƒ: all causes. ##: n=153. ¶¶: p-value for trend. ++: “only COPD” versus “nonrespiratory”; “mixed causes” is only presented for descriptive purposes.