Table 3– Mixed model estimates of changes in lung function with every 5°C increase in daily maximum temperature at different lags among 270 children with asthma in Australia
Morning PEF L·min–10-2.42 (-4.19– -0.65)**-3.48 (-6.08– -0.88)**-1.38 (-3.80–1.04)
1-2.80 (-4.55– -1.05)**-2.42 (-4.98–0.14)-3.08 (-5.48– -0.68)*
2-3.00 (-4.74– -1.26)**-2.59 (-5.12– -0.05)*-3.27 (-5.67– -0.87)**
3-1.59 (-3.29–0.11)-1.62 (-4.09–0.85)-1.46 (-3.80–0.88)
Evening PEF L·min–10-0.85 (-2.70–1.00)-0.26 (-2.89–2.36)-1.31 (-3.93–1.31)
1-1.04 (-2.86–0.78)1.15 (-1.43–3.74)-2.88 (-5.45– -0.32)*
2-1.45 (-3.22–0.32)-0.52 (-3.01–1.97)-2.14 (-4.66–0.38)
3-2.33 (-4.09– -0.56)**-0.27 (-2.74–2.19)-4.14 (-6.66– -1.61)**
Morning FEV1 mL0-9.39 (-24.7–5.88)-16.0 (-36.8–4.80)-2.97 (-25.0–19.1)
1-18.1 (-33.0– -3.16)*-7.06 (-27.4–13.3)-26.6 (-48.2– -5.01)*
2-26.9 (-41.6– -12.1)**-24.4 (-44.4– -4.34)*-29.1 (-50.5– -7.73)**
3-19.0 (-33.6– -4.33)*-30.3 (-50.4– -10.3)**-8.83 (-29.9–12.2)
Evening FEV1 mL0-4.40 (-22.6–13.8)-14.1 (-38.6–10.5)2.29 (-24.3–28.9)
1-27.8 (-45.7– -9.99)**-37.8 (-61.8– -13.7)**-19.0 (-45.1–7.18)
2-39.7 (-57.6– -21.9)**-64.9 (-88.8– -40.9)**-16.7 (-43.0–9.56)
3-38.5 (-56.2– -20.7)**-48.0 (-71.5– -24.5)**-29.0 (-55.5– -2.46)*
  • Data are presented as coefficient (95% CI). All models controlled for children’s sex, age, standing height, weight, 3-day mean concentration of ozone, 3-day mean concentration of nitrogen dioxide, 3-day mean of relative humidity, city and medication use as fixed effects. PEF: peak expiratory flow; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s. #: lag exposure of temperature (0: exposure of current day’s temperature; 1: exposure of temperature on the previous day; 2: exposure of temperature 2 days previously; 3: exposure of temperature 3 days previously). *: p<0.05; **: p<0.01.