Table 1– Patient demographics
Demographic characteristicPlaceboUMEC 62.5 μgUMEC 125 μgTotal
Age years62.5±8.7262.3±9.5064.6±7.9663.1±8.77
 Female26 (38)25 (36)27 (39)78 (38)
 Male42 (62)44 (64)42 (61)128 (62)
 African American/African heritage1 (1)1 (1)2 (3)4 (2)
 Asian8 (12)7 (10)6 (9)21 (10)
 Japanese/East Asian heritage/Southeast Asian heritage8 (12)7 (10)6 (9)21 (10)
 White59 (87)61 (88)61 (88)181 (88)
Height cm170.3±8.34170.5±9.44169.3±8.92170.0±8.89
Weight kg81.53±19.46180.70±24.27273.12±15.38178.44±20.300
BMI kg·m−227.96±5.50927.58±7.41425.45±4.68826.99±6.055
Current smokers36 (53)37 (54)39 (57)112 (54)
Smoking pack-year history52.3±30.245.2±21.247.5±18.648.3±23.9
Pre-bronchodilator FEV1 mL1247±429.91303±605.91252±435.71267±495.1
Post-salbutamol FEV1 mL1388±454.71366±595.71356±454.41370±504.0
Post-salbutamol FEV1/FVC46.021±10.663547.971±11.488448.377±10.589947.463±10.9179
Post-salbutamol % pred FEV147.0±13.0544.5±13.9947.9±14.4246.5±13.84
GOLD stage
 II33 (49)25 (36)34 (49)92 (45)
 III+26 (38)30 (43)25 (36)81 (39)
 IV§9 (13)14 (20)10 (14)33 (16)
  • Data are presented as n, mean±sd or n (%). UMEC: umeclidinium bromide; BMI: body mass index; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC: forced vital capacity; % pred: % predicted; GOLD: Global Initiative for Obstructive Lung Disease. #: FEV1 ≥80% pred; : FEV1 ≥50 to <80% pred; +: FEV1 ≥30 to <50% pred; §: FEV1 <30% pred.