Table 1– Tumour volume doubling times in lung cancer series
First author [ref.]Hayabuchi [4]Yankelevitz [9]Hasegawa [10]Jennings [11]Lindell [12]Honda [13]Mikita [14]Sone [15]Henschke [16]Wilson [17]Veronesi [18]
Origin of patientsScreeningScreening#ScreeningMixed#,¶ScreeningClinicalClinical+MixedScreeningScreeningScreening
Age years mean (range)65NR65 (33–89)72 (43–87)§65 (53–79)66 (39–83)67 (46–86)(33–80)NRNR58±5.6
Cancers n1071148239368513487111ƒ148175
VDT measured37 (35)87 (76)61 (74)149 (38)48 (71)51 (100)34 (100)45 (52)111ƒ (100)63 (43)120ƒ (69)
VDT days
 Median (range)144–101207 (26–∞)##258 (69–∞)##,¶¶, 121 (39–221) ++357 (NR– 4263)240 (18–2555)
Cut-off days>150>400>342§§>207ƒƒ>400>700>400>365>400
Slow-growing (measured/overall)29 (78/27)4 (5/3)31 (51/38)74 (50/19)13 (27/19)8 (23/23)3 (3/3)30 (48/20)31 (26/18)
VDT >400 days n (% overall)11 (10)4 (3)14### (17)21### (5)13 (19)16 (31)13 (38)39 (45)3 (3)31 (18)
  • Data are presented as n, mean±sd or n (%), unless otherwise stated. VDT: volume doubling time; CR: chest radiography, LDCT: low-dose computed tomography; NR: not reported. #: stage I only; : including screening and clinically detected patients; +: small solid nodules only; §: data presented as median (range); ƒ: nonprevalent cases only; ##: VDTs of regressing tumours would have negative value, but they are herewith expressed as an infinite value for clarity; ¶¶: adenocarcinoma only; ++: squamous carcinoma only; §§: geometric mean of VDTs; ƒƒ: median VDT; ###: only tumours showing no growth included in computation.