Table 3– Locality-level risk factors for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) diagnosis in new and previously treated tuberculosis (TB) cases
Percentage of TB cases in the locality thatModel for MDR-TB risk among new TB casesModel for MDR-TB risk among previously treated TB cases
Change in odds of a TB case having MDR-TB (95% CI)p-valueChange in odds of a TB case having MDR-TB (95% CI)p-value
Are aged 0–39 years old+3.3% (-0.7– +7.4%)0.10+6.4% (+2.1– +10.9%)0.003
Have a TB contact in the household+0.5% (-2.0– +1.1%)0.57
Are currently in detention-0.9% (-3.0– +1.3%)0.40
Have previously been in detention+4.7% (+2.8– +6.7%)<0.0001+6.7% (+4.4– +9.0%)<0.0001
Live in an urban area+0.1% (-0.7– +0.8%)0.85-1.4% (-2.2– -0.5%)0.002
Were outside Moldova for >3 months in the previous 12 months-4.0% (-5.6– -2.3%)<0.0001
Are HIV positive0.0% (-1.3– +1.3%)>0.99
Are homeless-2.1% (-3.8– -0.5%)0.011
Are disabled+0.8% (-1.2%– +2.9%)0.43
  • Cells left blank indicate that that variable was not included. Changes in odds of MDR-TB (among TB cases) are shown for each 20% proportionate increase in the explanatory variable (e.g. from 50% to 60%).