Table 3– Summary of tuberculosis (TB) diagnostics evaluated by the World Health Organization 2007–2012
2007: Commercial liquid culture and DST systems
 Automated and manual commercial systems for liquid culture and DST recommended for use at central/reference laboratory level
 Phased implementation recommended within the context of comprehensive country plans for strengthening TB laboratory capacity
 Currently regarded as the reference standard for conventional culture and DST and recommended as a stand-alone diagnostic test for TB and drug-resistance detection
2007: Rapid speciation strip technology
 Rapid chromatographic strip speciation recommended for distinguishing Mycobacterium tuberculosis from non-tuberculous mycobacteria
 Recommended for use in combination with conventional culture and DST systems, at central/reference laboratory level
 Recommended as a stand-alone speciation test for Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates
2008: Molecular line probe assay for first-line anti-TB drugs
 Commercial line probe assays recommended for rapid detection of rifampicin alone or in combination with isoniazid resistance detection in smear-positive sputum specimens and Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates grown from culture, for use at central/reference laboratory level
 Phased implementation recommended within the context of national plans for MDR-TB diagnosis, including development of country-specific screening/diagnostic algorithms
 Can be used as a stand-alone diagnostic test for rifampicin resistance (but no other resistance) once laboratory proficiency and equivalence with commercial liquid culture systems have been validated
 Need for conventional culture (for smear-negative sputum specimens and treatment monitoring) as well as phenotypic DST capacity remains
2010: LED microscopy
 Recommended as immediate replacement for conventional fluorochrome microscopy and as gradual replacement for conventional light Ziehl–Neelsen microscopy
 Suitable for use at peripheral microscopy, as well as higher laboratory levels
2010: Selected non-commercial DST methods: MODS, NRA, CRI
 Recommended as interim solutions for rapid rifampicin testing in resource-constrained settings, at central/reference laboratory level
 Phased implementation under strict laboratory protocols and quality assurance recommended within the context of national plans for MDR-TB diagnosis, including development of country-specific screening/diagnostic algorithms
 Phased implementation recommended within the context of national plans for MDR-TB diagnosis, including development of country-specific screening/diagnostic algorithms
 Can be used as stand-alone diagnostic tests for rifampicin resistance (but no other resistance) once laboratory proficiency and equivalence with conventional culture systems have been validated
 Need for conventional culture (for smear-negative sputum specimens and treatment monitoring) as well as DST capacity remains. MODS and NRA are suitable for direct testing on smear-positive sputum specimens and indirect testing on Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates grown from culture
 CRI is suitable for indirect testing on Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates only
2011: Automated real-time nucleic acid amplification technology: Xpert MTB/RIF system
 Recommended as rapid diagnostic test for TB and rifampicin resistance at peripheral microscopy, as well as higher laboratory levels
 Can be used as stand-alone diagnostic test for TB detection in all settings (including HIV co-infected patients) and for rifampicin resistance in patients at risk of drug-resistant disease
 Phased implementation and rapid scale-up recommended within the context of national TB and MDR-TB plans, including development of country-specific screening/diagnostic algorithms
 Need for conventional microscopy and culture remains to monitor treatment and to conduct additional DST
Evaluated but not yet approved due to lack of adequate evidence
 Sputum concentration and decontamination methods (evaluated 2008)
 Phage-plaque technology for rapid rifampicin resistance detection (evaluated 2008)
 Thin-layer agar methods for rapid culture and DST (evaluated 2010)
 Molecular line probe assays for second-line anti-TB drugs (evaluated 2012)
 Loop-mediated isothermal amplification test kit for tuberculosis (evaluated 2012)
Not approved for use
 Commercial serodiagnostic tests for TB diagnosis (evaluated 2011)
 IFN-γ release assays for detection of active TB in all settings (evaluated 2011)
 IFN-γ release assays as replacement for TST to detect latent TB in low- and middle-income (typically high TB and/or HIV burden) settings (evaluated 2011)
  • DST: drug susceptibility testing; MDR: multidrug resistant; LED: light-emitting diode; MODS: microscopic observation of drug susceptibility; NRA: nitrate reductase assay; CRI: colorimetric redox indicator; IFN: interferon; TST: tuberculin skin test.