Table 1– IgE levels across demographic variables, asthma status, atopic status, airways inflammation and socioeconomic variables, stratified by study site; Peru, 2009–2010
CharacteristicTotal serum IgE kU·L−1
Geometric meanMean±sdp-valueGeometric meanMean±sdp-value
 Body mass index >25 kg·m−2
Asthma and atopy
 Asthma status
 Atopy status
 Asthma phenotype
  Non-atopic136302±290<0.01251816±1358 (Median=119)0.38
 Exhaled nitric oxide >40 ppm
Socioeconomic indicators
 Maternal education ≥6 years
 Income <175 USD per month
 6+ people per house
 Concrete floor
 Pets in household
  Guinea pigs
  • #: n= 566; : n=577.