Table 3– Features of high-resolution computed tomography (CT) imaging
Patient; dateDirect signs of bronchiolitisIndirect features of bronchiolitisBronchial featuresOther imaging features
Centrilobular nodules#Branching opacitiesTree-in-budBronchiolectasisMosaic attenuation (inspiratory CT)Air trapping (expiratory CT)Bronchial wall thickeningBronchiectasisMucus plugging
1; Oct 2011+++++N/A+None
2; May 2010+++++++N/A+++Bilateral limited consolidation in upper lobes
3; May 2009+++++N/A+GGO and consolidation (left upper lobe)
3; Oct 2009++++++++++++N/A+++++“Finger-in-glove” bronchial tubular opacities in both upper lungs GGO and consolidation (middle lobe)
4; Jan 2006+++++++++None
5; Sep 2007++++++++++++None
6; Feb 2010+++++N/A++18-mm calcified hamartoma
  • The density of abnormal findings was rated as mild (+), moderate (++) or severe (+++). GGO; ground-glass opacity. N/A: not available. #: poorly defined ground-glass attenuation; : V-shaped or Y-shaped.