Table 1– End-points of the FORWARD study
Co-primary end-points
 Comparison of Foster® versus formoterol alone in terms of:
  COPD exacerbation rate
  Change in pre-dose morning FEV1 from baseline to week 12
Secondary end-points
 Change from baseline in morning pre-dose and 2-h post-dose FEV1 and FVC at all clinic visits
 Change from baseline to the average pre-dose FEV1 over the treatment period
 Change from pre-dose to 2-h post-dose FEV1 and FVC at all clinic visits
 Pre-dose and 2-h post-dose FEV1/FVC
 Time to first COPD exacerbation
 Change from baseline to the end of treatment in the SGRQ total and component scores
 Change from baseline to the entire treatment period and to each inter-visit period in the percentage of rescue use-free days and in the average use of rescue medication (number of puffs per day)
Exploratory end-points
 Change from baseline to the entire randomised treatment period and to each inter-visit period in the EXACT-PRO total score and subscale scores
Safety end-points
 Adverse events
 Adverse drug reactions
 Vital signs
 Haematology and blood biochemistry, including potassium and glucose
  • FORWARD: Foster 48-week Trial to Reduce Exacerbations in COPD; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC: forced vital capacity; SGRQ: St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire; EXACT: Exacerbations of Chronic Pulmonary Disease Tool; PRO: patient-recorded outcome.