Table 3– Other putative determinants which showed a (near) significant (p<0.1) association with electronically measured adherence over 3-month period
Rank correlation coefficientComparison between children with high (>80%) and low adherence (<80%) of prescribed dosages taken
VAS asthma control by physician0.260.0280.009
ACQ at 3 months-0.190.1050.036
Rrs,int baseline#-0.330.0600.045
Rrs,int % change after bronchodilator#0.410.0160.006
FEV1 change after bronchodilator#-0.330.0690.085
  • MARS: Medication Adherence Report Scale; VAS: visual analogue scale; ACQ: Asthma Control Questionnaire [20]; Rrs,int: resistance of the respiratory system measured by the interrupter technique; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s before and after salbutamol. #: n=33.