Table 2– Description of the follow-up of 274 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients
Total days of follow-up934 (655–1067)
COPD hospital readmissions during follow-up
 1st quartile0
 3rd quartile1
COPD hospital readmissions during follow-up
 0177 (65)
 134 (12)
 228 (10)
 ≥335 (13)
Days to first COPD hospital readmission only if readmission#304 (141–622)
Total number of deaths15 (5)
Deaths before any COPD hospital readmission2 (1)
  • Data are presented as median (quartile 1–quartile 3) or n (%), unless otherwise stated. #: n=97; : subjects censored in time-to-readmission analysis.